Organisation Name
Mashal University
First Name
Abdul Aziz
Last Name
PD 5
About Us
Mashal University (MU) as a private institute came into existence in 2009 to serve the nation and utilize the resources in academic field. The MU shall endeavor to promote the principles on which our nation worked during the years; Islamic awareness, social justice, national integration, scientific solution to the problem of society, democratic way of life and international understanding. MU as a legal entity prepare its study programs according to the rules and regulations Islamic Republic of Afghanistan and Ministry of Higher Education. MashaL University(MU) is innovative in regards to its structure and revision of curricula is a continuous and ongoing process. The revision is initiated by individual faculty members depending on requirements with a view to keeping step with the changing needs. Practically in Board meeting some of the old courses are revised or some new courses are introduced To utilize the academic and human resources provision for provision for integrated courses in humanities, science and technology in the educational program of the University Take appropriate measure to promote inter-disciplinary studies in the University Spread an implement the latest scientific and technologic finding of the world Promote the students and teachers an awareness and understanding of the social needs of the country and prepare them to fulfill such needs
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