Organisation Name
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Company Size
Micro <10
Company Type
Research centre
ACORN Research Centre, LIT
Moylish Park
Co. Limerick
V94 E8YF
About Us
The LIT Digital Innovation Hub (DiH), funded under the EU I4MS (Intelligent Systems for Manufacturing SMEs) initiative, is a knowledge platform for Manufacturing SMEs on aspects of Intelligent Systems for Production & Resource Optimisation (IS4PROD). Following an industry readiness analysis of Irish Manufacturing Companies for Industry 4.0 the group identified the research, development and innovations necessary to support the regional industry base which has led to the development of relevant apprenticeships, skills and education programmes, and awareness activities, including workshops and conferences. With support from I4MS and the EU BEinCPPS (Business Experiments in Cyber-Physical Systems) Platform, the hub has led three lighthouse projects to showcase Industry 4.0 developments.